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advice corner

December 31, 2017


Natalie Fedor

We did it guys. We survived semester number one of this school year, and we survived 2017. And for me, the first semester of my senior year is now over. Wow. It’s hard to believe. But that’s not what this article is about...

November 30, 2017


Natalie Fedor

So here in Natalie’s Advice Corner, we keep it real. So I’m not going to lie to you when I say, I submitted this article three days late. Why? Because I’m stressed out, man. I have a lot of stuff to do, and not a lot of time, and I’m sure each and every one of you can relate to that in some way. And if you...

October 31, 2017


Natalie Fedor

So, if you’re currently a senior like me, you’re most likely on the struggle bus like me: overwhelmed with applications. From colleges to scholarships to getting your FAFSA completed, there is a lot of pressure...

September 30, 2017


Natalie Fedor

So we are all back to school now, and I know that means for the majority of students that the struggle has begun. So this month I thought it would be best if I dedicated my little advice corner to all the tips and tricks that help me survive high school.

Tip #1- Use your planner

I seriously didn’t realize how helpful this actually was until I started doing it. Now, whenever teachers assign homework or test dates, the first thing

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“I will never fall in love again,”

Says that one high schooler

Who has already fallen in love with ten guys in her high school life.

A flirt, giggle, conversation here and there,

Sooner or later, the first kiss comes,

Then the holding hands in the hallway,

Then the small, cute dates.

But life likes to flip tables.

You’ll see the arguments,

The fights that blow up out of proportion.

The vicious remarks, the nasty resentment,

And finally, the breakup.

And you’ll find yourself saying,

“I will never fall in love again.”

Happily Never After

Jennifer Shin

Eyes held open by tiny nails dug into the eyelids,

Screws uplifting the side of the mouth to create an authentic smile,

Hands handcuffed together, folded neatly on one’s desk.

Out eyes are forced to stay open, but our ears are shut.

Mouths are moving, but no sound is heard.

We are robots.

In compliance with the school system,

We instinctively do what is right.

Our fingers instinctively write our names on the top of the paper,

Our hands crawling, blindly searching for that notebook,

That one notebook that carries all our papers.

Our papers are filled with scribble marks and doodles-

Our high school transcripts track every move we make.

Autopilot. Instinct.

Be a good student,

Society says.

But when does it end?


Jennifer Shin

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